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May 10, 2024

Fantastic travelling time in May

Travelling by air, train, ship or car and no matter near or far, we get to discover and be exposed to new places, thi...

Apr 25, 2024

April and the strawberries

Strawberry is popular for its aroma, juicy texture, and sweetness. Consumed either fresh or as marmalade, juice and m...

Mar 12, 2024

Easter 2024

This year Easter falls on 31 March. As a floating holiday Easter takes place on different days every year. Easter fal...

Feb 16, 2024

Snowdrops in February

With the first harbingers of Spring already appearing, nature gently awakens around us. Birds come back in flocks, sn...

Jan 22, 2024

Hot Chocolate in January

While watching the sun go down with music playing in the background, it’s cozy to enjoy it with hot chocolate and coo...

Dec 8, 2023

Christmas baking in December

"In der Weihnachtsbäckerei" is a well-known Christmas song that is often sung in December. It describes the baking of...

Nov 30, 2023

Autumn colors in November

"Autumn is the time when nature brings her watercolors to the trees." -Laura Jaworski Have a nice November and wonder...

Oct 15, 2023

Pumpkins in October

Winter squashes and pumpkins in various colours and sizes surround us in autumn. Some are odd-shaped, less symmetrica...

Sep 8, 2023

September and the dandelions

As wildflowers dandelions are scattered nature in the beginning of Spring. Their bright yellow colours decorate meado...

Aug 10, 2023

Coincidences in August

For thousands of years apples have been grown in Europe and Asia.Juicy and crisp when eaten raw, an apple is also a f...

Jul 14, 2023

Open air in July

When summer is in full swing across Europe, open-air festivals take place in the cities as well in the countrysides. ...
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