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New Year wishes

Happy New! People around the world welcome the new year.
There are many customs and wishes associated with the arrival of the New Year.
At midnight, a New Year's toast is toasted, along with best wishes for the coming year. Sparklers are lit to mark the celebration. The New Year's fireworks were supposed to drive away evil spirits. Some eat lentil soup on New Year's Eve, as lentils are considered a symbol of wealth.
In Germany, the Swabians like to bake New Year's pretzels and the Frisians like to bake New Year's waffles around this time.
As a rule, one wishes oneself good luck in the new year. Small lucky charms are exchanged, such as shamrocks, lucky mushrooms, little pigs or ladybugs.
Luck at the right time for us this time was a mention of our iPhone cases in the Weser Kurier newspaper on New Year's Eve.
Brad Paisley wrote:
Tomorrow we have the first blank page of a 365-page blank book - let's make a good book out of it.

Happy January to all of you and have fun browsing!
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